In its work to promote a fair and open marketplace that protects the rights of consumers, the National Association of Consumer Advocates is particularly focused on working to eliminate forced arbitration clauses from consumer contracts.
Too often, when consumers are harmed by illegal business practices, they face roadblocks at the first stages of seeking justice and getting their claims heard. The fine print terms of service for most cell phone, bank account, credit cards, nursing home, mobile apps, and other corporate contracts force consumers to resolve complaints out of the public court system and into biased, secretive arbitration with private judges.

The widespread use of forced arbitration clauses in take-it-or-leave-it corporate contracts deny untold numbers of people the fundamental right to go before a judge and jury when they are wronged.
NACA is dedicated to ending forced arbitration so that consumers, workers, and small businesses will be able to seek accountability against bad actors that break the law. Read more about NACA’s positions on forced arbitration and our efforts to oppose it.
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