Below are links to the key resources available to you as a NACA member. If you are not a NACA member and you would like to become one, please apply today.


Curated Document Libraries

NACA's curated document libraries are repositories of example pleadings, discovery, intake forms, checklists, and other documents necessary to running your practice. Our Auto Document Library is now up; more will be announced soon!

COVID-19 & Virtual Office Resources

We are gathering helpful resources for working through COVID-19 and setting up a virtual office both on our website and in this library on the community site. If you have resources to share, please put them into this library.

Amicus Briefs

NACA’s issues committee provides Amicus Curiae Brief assistance on high-impact cases. Members can search all previous Amicus Briefs from NACA.

NACA's Fair Tax Treatment for Consumers Resources

NACA has been working to address tax issues related to consumer law for many years and continues to create new guidance and resources to help members address this situation.

Consumer Videos

NACA and Lawhub created a series of five animated videos for consumers on debt defense. NACA members are encouraged to share these videos with their clients.

Client Marketing Resources

These are resources available to you for your marketing and community outreach efforts.

Public Private Partnership Resources

A committee of NACA member leaders drafted a best practices guide for legal services attorneys and private attorneys who enter into co-counseling relationships, so that both parties can gain the fullest benefits possible from such a relationship.

Arbitrator Rater

Nichols Kaster, PLLP has developed as a resource for employee and consumer rights advocates where to share information about arbitrators and arbitration results.This resource contains over 3,500 arbitrators and results from over 40,000 arbitrations updated quarterly. By sharing information, arbitrators know they will be held accountable. As a NACA member you are automatically registered for this benefit.

Legal Services Membership Resources

Each segment of the consumer law community, including legal services members, have their own specific needs and challenges. We continue to create, adapt, and develop new and existing membership benefits and educational products to support legal services attorneys and their clients.

GameChangers Videos

Our members share their best tips, tricks, and advice on how to improve your practice in short videos. Learn from your peers. Interested in doing your own video, let us know.

NACA Training Platform

Whether you are looking for training items you purchased, want to join a webinar, or download certificates of attendance. This is where you need to go.

NACA Training and Education

NACA provides the best training for consumer attorneys whether you want to explore a consumer law topic, learn a new skill, or better manage your practice. Earn CLE credit, for both live and those watched at your convenience.

We are a CLE Preferred Provider for California and Pennsylvania.

Class Action Guidelines

NACA maintains the comprehensive "Standards and Guidelines for Litigating and Settling Consumer Class Actions" 299 F.R.D. 160. These standards exist to ensure that the occasional and limited misuse of the class action device does not lead to restrictions on the ability of this procedure to challenge abusive business practices

Attorney Fee Survey

This report publishes the results of the United States Consumer Law Attorney Fee Survey for 2015–2016, last updated March 2018. The survey covers the United States and its territories.

Free Member Webinars

Several times a year, there are free-to-members webinars on topics related to practice management. Members can watch these past webinars at no cost at any time through our Training Library.

NACA Marketplace

NACA Marketplace provide members with exclusive discounts on services and products, helping our members work more efficiently.

Community Libraries

The richest conversations and sharing of resources are happening on the NACA communities. Below are links to the resource libraries for many of the communities. We also created an instructions document for you with tips on how to search the libraries.

Share Your Story

Your cases and clients' experiences can help us bring the harms consumers face in the marketplace to life and push policymakers for change.

Submit Ideas for
Law Review Note Topics

Have you come across consumer law issues in your work that deserve to be explored in-depth in a research article? Share your law review note topic ideas for law school publications with us. 

Get Involved

Members are encouraged to participate in our legislative activities by taking action or volunteering to serve on one of the advocacy-related committees.

For Law Students

Are you a law student seeking additional resources and support to assist you?
Join us, along with other law students.