Welcome to National Association of Consumer Advocates
We are a community of more than 1,500 attorneys fighting for consumer justice. Since 1994, NACA attorneys and advocates have helped level the playing field against fraudulent and predatory business practices. Consumer protection is more important than ever, and you need a community of peers to learn from and to rely on.
Our members are attorneys and advocates who represent consumers. If this describes you, become a member! Need more information about the benefits of NACA membership?

Benefits of Membership
Membership in an organization that fosters the growth and successful practice of consumer law and is a direct link to mentoring, litigation support, expertise, and advice from the most eminent advocates in our field. This includes Amicus Curiae Brief assistance on high-impact cases from NACA’s Issues Committee.
Inclusion in NACA's Find an Attorney directory that encourages potential clients to reach you more quickly and efficiently. Also access to our new Co-Counseling directory that allows you to connect with others in the field for advice or for co-counseling.
Substantive geographical and topical listserv groups on consumer law issues.
The potential to develop and expand your professional network and credentials through volunteer leadership in the association.
Access to member-only resources, including publications, articles, briefs, links to consumer sites, and an online resource library of more than 3,000 documents at your disposal.
Current news and information delivered to your inbox from the weekly aggregated consumer law-related news and periodic updates on consumer finance and consumer protection legislative and regulatory issues.
All live webinars are free for members. Member pricing for other professional education, both online and in-person. Build your expertise and earn CLE credit.
Complimentary access to the online Developing a Consumer Law Practice professional development package or the Legal Services professional development package.
A 20% members-only discount to the materials in the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC)'s library and special member pricing at their events.
Application & Dues
Memberships last for one year from the date the membership is activated or renewed.
Membership Categories
2024 Dues
Private Attorney Member (0–2 years as a NACA member)
Private Attorney Member (3–5 years as a NACA member)
Private Attorney Member (6+ years as a NACA member)
Higher Level Membership Options
Individual Membership
Take your involvement with NACA to the next level and be a leader in the community as a Higher Level Member
Firm Membership
Connect your whole firm to NACA through Firm Membership
If you would like to take your involvement with NACA to the next level and be a leader in the field, there are several categories of higher-level memberships available.
Legal Services Attorney Member
Legal Services Organizational Membership
(Five individuals with the option of adding more for $100 each)
Complimentary webinars
Public Interest Attorney Member
(including AGs, Government, and Law Professors)
Public Interest Organizational Membership
(Three individuals with the option of adding more for $100 each)
Three complimentary webinars
Law Student
Military Services Member Attorney
May qualify for full scholarship for dues
If you have any questions regarding membership with NACA, please email Membership or call 202.452.1989, ext.102.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, NACA has limited funds to assist members with partial dues payment. To be considered, please apply. Decisions will be made on a rolling basis until all funds are exhausted.