For Attorneys

The National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA) is a nationwide membership organization of more than 1500 attorneys who represent hundreds of thousands of consumers victimized by fraudulent, abusive, and predatory business practices. NACA members are committed to advancing the cause of just treatment for and ethical representation of consumers.

Are you a lawyer committed to advancing the cause of just treatment for and ethical representation of consumers? Then join us!

Practice Areas

Browse by practice areas or content types to discover relevant resources, educational offerings, and NACA positions related to each area.

News & Information

Browse by practice areas or content types to discover relevant resources, educational offerings, and NACA positions related to each area.

Attorney Resources


Practice Area

Subject Matter

Practice Resources

NACA membership is all about access to the resources you need to grow your practice.


Client Marketing Resources

One of the frequent requests we have received from our members is for client marketing resources. Below are some resources that are available to you for your marketing and community outreach efforts.

Find an Attorney

NACA member attorneys are committed to advancing the cause of just treatment for and ethical representation of consumers and will not, so long as they are a NACA member, perform services for any business or commercial client on a matter where that client’s interests are adverse to the interests of consumers.


Share Your Client Narratives

Were you recently unable to help a harmed consumer because of restrictive contract terms, such as a forced arbitration clause and class action ban in the underlying contract? Did a court recently send a case of yours into individual arbitration?

We are collecting stories about individuals who have been harmed by harmful business practices, including forced arbitration. Your and your client experiences bring to life the real-world impact that unfair and deceptive consumer abuses have on the average American.