Promoting Justice for All Consumers

The National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA) fights for the rights and interests of consumers across the country. On vital issues such as deceptive business practices, unfair debt collection, consumer fraud, and more, decisions made in the courts have a direct impact on consumer’s rights and access to justice. To build a judiciary that serves us all, we need judges who understand the importance of consumer rights and are committed to economic justice. NACA is actively involved in this effort to promote the nomination and confirmation of professionally diverse judges by engaging our members, advocating for decision makers, and building partnerships.

Our Work

Member Engagement and Recruitment: We provide education and engagement opportunities for our members and encourage them to explore judicial service. Further, we work closely with our Judicial Nominations Committee to recruit, evaluate, and support qualified and values-aligned nominees.

Research and Advocacy: We research potential judicial nominees to develop a deep understanding of each candidate’s qualifications and communicate with decision makers about the necessity of nominating and confirming judges who are committed to economic justice.

Partnerships and Outreach: Building a professionally diverse judiciary impacts us all. We actively engage with partner organizations, the consumer advocacy community, and the public at large to amplify our message and impact.

Join Us!

We invite you to join us in this critical mission. Your support, whether as a member, an aspiring judge, or a passionate advocate, is the cornerstone of our success. Together, we can build a fairer and more just judiciary nationwide.

Please reach out to NACA’s Judicial Campaigns Director, Ryanne Olsen ([email protected]), with any questions, or to get more involved!