NACA in the News: Homeowners Turn to Sale-Leasebacks After Pandemic Hit Finances
Wall Street Journal Homeowners Turn to Sale-Leasebacks After Pandemic Hit Finances “‘Where people are harmed most is when they’re desperate,’ Ira Rheingold, executive director of the National Association of Consumer…
Read MoreNACA in the News: Federal officials look to crack down on deceptive subscription marketing practices at broad range of firms
The Washington Post Federal officials look to crack down on deceptive subscription marketing practices at broad range of firms “’The FTC is really, really, really understaffed,’ said Ira Rheingold, executive…
Read MoreNACA in the News: Relatives who rented home not covered under homeowner policy after fire, court holds
The Salem News Relatives who rented home not covered under homeowner policy after fire, court holds “While not specifically commenting on the Laing case, Ira Rheingold, executive director of the…
Read MoreNACA in the News: Will Biden’s policies take the CFPB’s consumer protection mission forward? Will Biden’s policies take the CFPB’s consumer protection mission forward? “However, there remains a ‘long way to go’ in terms of financial inclusion of minorities, according to Ira Rheingold,…
Read MoreNACA in the News: Supreme Court takes away FTC’s ability to provide restitution to defrauded consumers
Consumer Affairs Supreme Court takes away FTC’s ability to provide restitution to defrauded consumers “Ira Rheingold, executive director of the National Association of Consumer Advocates, expressed his dismay at the…
Read MoreNACA in the News: What Would a Plan to Get Rid of the Three Credit Bureaus Look Like?
NBC San Diego What Would a Plan to Get Rid of the Three Credit Bureaus Look Like? “‘I’m not a real big fan of the credit bureaus,’ said Ira Rheingold, an…
Read MoreNACA in the News: Small business coalition says Amazon brands are unfair competition
Marketplace Small business coalition says Amazon brands are unfair competition “‘Big retailers, like Sears, J.C. Penney, had their own brands — Craftsman, Towncraft. And they pushed their own brands,’ he…
Read MoreNACA in the News: How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations
New York Times How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations “Marketers have long used ruses like prechecked boxes to steer American consumers into unwanted purchases, like magazine subscriptions. But consumer…
Read MoreNACA in the News: Winners of consumer lawsuits ended up with an unwelcome tax-time surprise
Chicago Sun-Times Winners of consumer lawsuits ended up with an unwelcome tax-time surprise “Christine Hines, legislative director for the National Association of Consumer Advocates, says some people, unaware they can…
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