Calendar of Events

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1 event,

NACA’s Business Development eCourse 101: Build a Successful Consumer Law Practice

2 events,


Fighting against Fraudulent Practices in Reverse Mortgage Servicing

1 event,

3 events,


You Won Your Case, Now What: Collecting Consumer Judgements


Bankruptcy may be the Best Choice for Student Loan Relief Post Election

2 events,


Introduction to Consumer Law Package

1 event,

2 events,


Consumer Protection Issues in Real Estate After the National Association of Realtors Settlement

1 event,

2 events,


Preparing for Trial and Drafting the Pretrial Documents- What You Need to Know and Do

Considerations for the Inclusion of CRAs in Furnisher Cases

Credit Reporting
Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Private Member: $40
Nonmember: $90

“As Is” Ain’t No Absolution

Combating Common Defense Themes, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Private Member: $40
Nonmember: $90

NACA’s Business Development eCourse 101: Build a Successful Consumer Law Practice

Business Development, Client Management, Law Office Operations
All Levels
Private Member: $299

Debt Defense eCourse

Debt Collection
Client Management, Combating Common Defense Themes, Discovery, Evaluating Damages, Negotiations and Settlement, Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case, Trial Skills
Member: $200
Nonmember: $300

Frame and Structural Damage Cases Package

Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $150
Nonmember: $325

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) 101

Mortgage/Real Estate/Housing
Discovery, Evaluating Damages, Law Office Operations, Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $120
Nonmember: $260

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