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Not every FCRA case should be on a trial track, but when you find the right case, it is definitely worth bringing to trial. Seasoned FCRA trial attorneys Stephanie Tatar and Robert Brennan will describe their successful approaches and strategies in obtaining an FCRA verdict against Specialized Loan Servicing.

What You Will Learn
• What the key ingredients are to making a successful FCRA trial
• What strategies you should employ to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome in an FCRA trial

Robert F. Brennan, Esq. has been practicing law for thirty-five years and was one of the very first members of the National Association of Consumer Advocates. He served as the California state chair for NACA for close to a decade in the early 2000s. He is a veteran of over seventy-five civil jury trials with a record of having won a large majority of them. He has been handling Fair Credit Reporting Act cases since the late 1990s. For many years, his verdict in Park City v. Ford (Superior Court, Riverside County) was the largest single verdict in a California Song-Beverly “lemon law” case. He has also had noteworthy verdicts in personal injury, medical malpractice, legal malpractice, and commercial real estate jury trials.

Stephanie Tatar has been a consumer advocate since graduating cum laude from DePaul University, College of Law. Prior to founding The Tatar Law Firm, Ms. Tatar gained extensive litigation and appellate experience with firms in Chicago and Los Angeles. During her career, she has successfully fought debt collectors, credit reporting agencies, creditors, manufacturers, and car dealers.

Event Details

August 23, 2022
2:00 pm EDT
-3:00 pm EDT


Private Members: $40

Legal Aid/Public Interest/Military/Law Student Members: $30

Nonmembers: $90

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