Successors in Interest Cases 2024
What happens when a borrower dies or a home is transferred through divorce, transferring the home to an owner who is not the original borrower? A ripple effect of the…
Read MoreAdvanced RESPA: What to do after Motions to Dismiss
The upcoming advanced webinar is designed to equip legal professionals with the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of litigation and trial after motions to dismiss.
Read MoreSuing the Government under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Like private companies, federal agencies furnish information about consumers to credit reporting agencies and use consumer reports prepared by credit bureaus. But although consumers can sue private companies for violating…
Read MoreBeating Back Experian’s Attempts to Compel FCRA Claims into Arbitration
This webinar will focus on those strategies and discuss in detail the arguments and approaches when confronting an Experian motion to compel arbitration.
Read MoreSuccessors in Interest Cases – 2023 Update
What legal protections exist for successors in interest of deceased borrowers who want to prevent foreclosure, continue to pay the mortgage, or pursue mortgage-assistance options have traditionally been limited
Read MoreWin Your Auto Case Through Written Discovery and Advanced Discovery Topics
Interested in improving your discovery skills in your auto cases? This seminar will address pre- and post-filing discovery techniques and provide tools to maximize the chance of success. This webinar…
Read MoreTo be or not to be Practical: Strategies and Best Practices in Negotiating and Litigating Your Fees
No one likes to litigate their fees. This is an open conversation to help you avoid doing so or to better leverage your position if you must.
Read MoreThe Tactical Deployment of Regulation X: Loss Mitigation in Judicial, Quasi-Judicial, and Non-judicial States
The upcoming expiration of the CARES Act moratorium on foreclosure sales and the anticipated volume of delinquent borrowers seeking mortgage assistance will present significant new challenges that consumer foreclosure lawyers…
Read MoreThe New Kids in Town: Mortgage Sub-Servicers—The Who, What, When, Where, and Why Behind this Network
This webinar will examine a case study of New Residential (NRZ) to provide a current example of how the new sub-servicing model in the mortgage market makes things even worse…
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