It is a common story. The dealership represents that a used vehicle passed a pre-sale inspection but shortly after the sale, the consumer discovers that the vehicle has a major issue. Most states require a dealership to disclose any obvious or safety defects to a potential consumer. A primary issue in defective vehicle auto fraud cases is whether the dealership knew or should have known about the vehicle’s defects. This webinar will address how to overcome these common roadblocks in defective vehicle cases. Some experience handling defective vehicle cases is recommended.
What You Will Learn
• How to attack the dealership’s claim that an inspection was performed prior to sale and no defects were discovered
• How to prove that the defect was obvious
• How to handle cases where the consumer inspected the vehicle
Scarlett Steuart is an associate attorney at the Burdge Law Office in Dayton, OH. Scarlett joined Burdge Law Office in 2016 to combine two of her passions: helping people and cars. She has represented consumers across the country in breach of warranty and auto sales fraud cases. Scarlett has co-authored the chapter of the Baldwin’s Ohio Consumer Law Handbook on arbitration since 2018. The Baldwin’s Ohio Consumer Law Handbook is widely considered to be the leading authority on consumer law in Ohio. Scarlett has also been lead counsel on eight jury trials and arbitrations within the past five years involving auto fraud claims. Scarlett comes from a family of car enthusiasts. When she was young, Scarlett enjoyed helping her father work on the family car in the driveway. On ”bring your daughter to work” day, she learned to wet sand and prepare a vehicle to be painted. These days, Scarlett enjoys working on and driving her 1965 Chevrolet Corvair.
September 23, 2021
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