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The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), experts in communicating with English-language learners and people with low literacy levels, will share how to write for your clients in ways they will understand. CAL taught the FTC how to think and write for lower-level readers, resulting in consumer.gov; this webinar will give you many of the same strategies and tools to help you communicate more effectively for your audience.


Deborah Kennedy, Associate Vice President for Adult English Language Education and Director of English for Heritage Language Speakers Program at the Center for Applied Linguistics

Miriam Burt, Manager of Adult ESL Project at the Center for Applied Linguistics

DeAnna Coon, Research Assistant at the Center for Applied Linguistics

Adriana Jokisch-Sagrera, Test Development Specialist at the Center for Applied Linguistics

Alvaro Puig, Consumer Education Specialist in the Division of Consumer and Business Education at the Federal Trade Commission