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Are you interested in increasing your firm’s productivity using a virtual assistant (VA)? There are many factors to consider when using an outsourcing firm, including how to vet candidates and how to choose a quality firm. You’ll need a training protocol once you hire a VA to get them up to speed and need to set up systems to ensure a smooth transition and working experience. This webinar is geared to private attorneys interested in hiring a virtual assistant.

What You Will Learn
• What’s involved in hiring and training a virtual assistant through an outsourcing firm
• What you should expect as far as costs and onboarding needs
• How to handle challenges that arise concerning language skills, competency, cultural differences, educational background, etc.

Russell Dombrow is an attorney and the owner of the Dombrow Law Firm in Syracuse, New York. He focuses his practice on dealer fraud, debt collection defense, foreclosure defense, and credit reporting issues throughout New York State and in federal court. Russell is also a 2022 graduate of Joshua Cohen’s Student Loan Law Workshop. He graduated from Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 2006. Russell has been a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates since 2018. He has won multiple awards from the American Bar Association, the New York State Bar Association, and the Central New York Volunteer Lawyers Project for his role in presenting Continuing Legal Education programs and pro bono legal services.