If you could get paid for all the time you give away, wouldn’t you? As consumer lawyers, we often feel we have to give our time generously because our clients and potential clients are usually in terrible financial straits; but not every consumer in need of assistance is a pro bono case. This webinar will show you how to capture the income you are giving away every day from people you talk to who you’d like to help, but don’t think you can because their case isn’t “ripe,” or because they say they can’t afford to pay for your help.
We will discuss how you can implement the “paid consultation” model by identifying consumers who contact your office who are appropriate for such a consultation. We will discuss how to get the phone to ring and how to efficiently determine whether the caller has a problem that you can charge to assist with; how to get paid for your time and information- and earn respect and appreciation for doing so; and how to convert these one-shot-deal clients into clients who are the gift that keep on giving.
Attorney Sarah Poriss is a 2002 graduate of the University of Connecticut School of Law and was an associate at Consumer Law Group in Rocky Hill, Connecticut for four years. Sarah went solo in 2006 and now handles debt defense, foreclosure defense, FDCPA and a variety of other consumer matters. She is a regular volunteer at monthly foreclosure prevention seminars sponsored by the CT Fair Housing Center and CT Department of Banking and is regularly invited to speak at local high schools, corporations, UConn Law School’s consumer law class and local non-profit agencies about credit and debt issues. In 2006 and 2007, she participated in the Money Conference For Women’s Money Mentor program and in 2011 she received the Hartford County Bar Association’s Pro Bono award.
May 8, 2013
Members: $FREE
Nonmembers: $90