Student loans are not going away, despite what you might want, hear on social media, or advocate for. The CARES Act, which protects only a portion of student loans, will expire this fall. Too many people know too little about handling student loans. We’re going to change that.
What You Will Learn
- What the key differences are between Federal and Private loans
- What all the acronyms stand for: IDR, IBR, ECMC, DL, FFEL, and more—also, why they are important
- What resources you need to get the details of your client’s loan so you can dig in and help
Joshua Cohen became the Student Loan Lawyer in 2008 when he opened his own firm. In 2009, he filed his first student loan class action. In 2011, he started the Student Loan Law Workshop. As the Student Loan Lawyer, Josh has dedicated his practice to student loan issues. From getting student loans out of default, to finding affordable payment plans, and even discharging student loans, Josh does it all. This past October, Josh became a published author with his book, The Student Loan Lawyer’s Guide to Student Loans in Plain English. He holds a BA from Brandeis University and a JD from Quinnipiac University School of Law. A New Yorker by birth, he currently lives in Vermont with his three kids and two cats. He also very much enjoys the virtual office lifestyle.
February 25, 2021
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