Whether they are confused, scared, or just plain dishonest, sometimes clients don’t tell the truth. In this webinar, you will learn what ethical choices and responsibilities a lawyer may face upon learning that a client has lied either to the lawyer, in non-litigation documents, or to a tribunal.
What You Will Learn
- The ethical rules that prevent lawyers from allowing clients to perpetrate frauds on other parties
- How to manage the Duty to the Client v. Duty to the Judicial System
- Choices of action the lawyer has when a client lies to council or during litigation
- How the lawyer should handle special situations where the client lie
*Although the panelist works primarily with Minnesota state law in his daily practice, this presentation will utilize the general rules of other states–particularly where they may differ from Minnesota law.
Eric Cooperstein started his private law practice devoted to legal ethics in the fall of 2006. Eric is a former Senior Assistant Director of the Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility, where he worked from 1995 to 2001, and a former member of the 4th District Ethics Committee, on which he served from 2003 through April 2007.
August 24, 2011
Private Members: $40
Legal Aid/Public Interest/Military/Law Student Members: $30
Nonmembers: $90