Have you ever had a client who was taken for a ride and lost significant money when buying a new or used car? In this webinar, staff from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will discuss some of the current consumer protection issues around one of the most expensive consumer purchases. Presenters will describe various deceptive and unfair acts and practices consumers may face when reviewing auto advertising, considering after-market or add-on products such as extended warranties or service contracts, and financing their vehicles. Participants will also learn about recent FTC law enforcement actions and initiatives involving these deceptive and unfair practices.
What You Will Learn
Participants will learn about a variety of scams and deceptive practices that may be affecting your clients. The webinar will highlight several areas:
- Misleading automobile advertising
- Deceptive and unfair acts and practices in the sale of add-on products or services
- Deceptive and unfair financing tactics, often known as yo-yo financing
- Law enforcement actions filed by the FTC combating these practices
- Other FTC initiatives and consumer resources on these topics
Thomas Widor, Attorney, Division of Financial Practices, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission
Rebecca Unruh, Attorney, Division of Financial Practices, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission
February 23, 2017
Private Members: $FREE
Nonmembers: $FREE