Did you win a big case recently and have lessons you learned from it that you could share with the membership?
Have you discovered a new way to think about or litigate cases involving big issues such as the TCPA, FDCPA, etc.?
If so, consider writing an article for us to share this expertise with fellow NACA members that could be featured in a future edition of our newsletter and in our site blog. This is a great way to elevate your profile within the community and also give back by sharing your knowledge.
Your post could focus on a recent case win, an aspect in your subject area of expertise, practice management tips, etc. Anything offering knowledge to your peers that they can apply to their practice is welcome! Below are basic article guidelines:
- The article should examine an issue from a different angle and either offer innovative methods of fighting against the issue or provide insight on new or obscure information that attorneys may not know about.
- The length should be between 600–800 words.
- A brief biography (about 60 words) and photo can be included at the end of the article so members can get to know a little more about the writer.
- Links should be incorporated into the article when relevant to provide readers with more detailed information.
- A photo or two may also be included to help illustrate main points. Photos need to be original photos or adhere to copyright restrictions.
- The tone should be conversational and not overly formal.
- The article should end with a "call to action" for readers. For example, give them something to think over by asking a question or let them know what they can do to get involved and take action regarding this issue.
Volunteer Commitment
We anticipate three to five hours of work per article.
Required Qualifications
We are looking for volunteers with at least two years' experience in consumer law.
If you would like to write an article, fill out this brief form to let us know.
Write an Article
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