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Join NACA in supporting and defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau!

The CFPB was created by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act with the goal of ensuring that consumers are not ripped off by Big Banks and other financial institutions. In five short years, the CFPB’s work has led to the return of $12 billion in relief to 27 million consumers who were harmed by wrongful corporate conduct.

But the CFPB is under attack from Wall Street, its lobbyists, and allies in Congress. Efforts are underway to weaken and undermine the CFPB, including changing its single-director structure and its independent funding.

Americans across the political spectrum support the need for financial regulation and a vigorous CFPB to protect consumers from predatory Wall Street practices that cheat and rip off ordinary people. We must tell elected officials, directly and through news coverage, that their constituents strongly support the CFPB. You can tell them by writing a letter to the editor, a news editorial, an opinion piece, etc.

Below are materials to help you get involved in this fight. Speak out NOW by writing a letter to your editor, an op-ed, or a blog post! NACA will be available to assist you in drafting and in contacting local media. If you’d like to participate in this effort, please see the materials below and contact Christine Hines at [email protected].

The materials below will assist you in writing communications. They include:

1.     Model Letter to the Editor to Support the CFPB

2.     Key Points for a Letter or Blog Post