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Are you interested in taking on a leadership role within NACA or NCLC?

Increasingly, both organizations are looking to boost engagement through interactive, roundtable discussions that take place at in-person and online conferences and workshops.

The best roundtable or group discussion experience depends on the discussion leader. A skilled leader brings out the best in everyone in that discussion, meeting, or roundtable. You can be that leader.

NACA and NCLC are launching a Certified Facilitator program for members to hone their skills in leading virtual and in-person discussions. This program will strengthen the capacity of NACA members to facilitate conversations in both virtual and in-person settings.

These skills go beyond the conference. You carry them into your professional life.

This program will be limited to twenty-five people initially. The program includes:

  • Written materials, including a Facilitation Guide
  • Video interviews with top NACA and NCLC facilitators
  • Spring Practicum in which participants facilitate a one-hour Zoom roundtable discussion with fifteen consumer attorneys for peer assessment.