Position: Emerging Leaders Council Member

Term Length: Two years with the option to extend up to two additional years.

Reports to: Membership Committee

Committee Overview

The Emerging Leaders Council is a new subcommittee made up of members who graduated law school 2017 or later. The purpose of the council is to provide guidance to NACA staff on how to recruit and retain younger attorneys, to identify the challenges of new attorneys that could be a barrier to having a successful career in consumer law, and to recommend how NACA could best address those needs.

Major Functions and Responsibilities

Outreach to New Attorneys in Consumer Law

Identify avenues to reach young attorneys and messages that resonate with them. Provide guidance about how to best communicate and engage young attorneys with the consumer law community.

Identifying Needs of Young Attorneys

The Emerging Leaders Council provides information to the membership committees and NACA staff about the needs, critical issues and trends, and concerns of new attorneys. The council makes recommendations on new programs, products, and services to best serve this group.

Building Community

The members of this council will serve as liaisons between NACA and young attorneys in consumer law and provide information to build stronger connections between the two.

Volunteer Commitment

Council members will be expected to participate in four conference calls a year.

Required Qualifications

To serve on this committee, you should have graduated law school no later than 2017.


If you would like to get involved with our work on the council, fill out this brief form to let us know.

Emerging Leaders Council Volunteer

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Practice Areas*