If you are looking for a more in-depth study of a topic, you may want to consider a NACA Professional Development Package. These are curated on-demand webinar series to provide real-world solutions and the best practices for successful consumer advocacy law.

Looking for training items you have already purchased or for certificates of attendance? Go to the NACA Training Platform

NACA Training Platform

Looking for training items you have already purchased or for certificates of attendance? Go to the NACA Training Platform.


Practice Area

Skill Area

Skill Level


Frame and Structural Damage Cases Package

Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $150
Nonmember: $325

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) 101

Mortgage/Real Estate/Housing
Discovery, Evaluating Damages, Law Office Operations, Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $120
Nonmember: $260

Preparing for Trial and Drafting the Pretrial Documents- What You Need to Know and Do

February 26, 2025
2:00 pm EST
Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case, Trial Skills
All Levels
Member: $Free
Nonmember: $90.00

Consumer Protection Issues in Real Estate After the National Association of Realtors Settlement

February 13, 2025
2:00 pm EST
Class Action, Mortgage/Real Estate/Housing
Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
All Levels
Member: $Free
Nonmember: $90.00

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