Tell Him or Her to Vote NO on H.R. 985—A Bill Filled with Unnecessary Obstacles to Bar Consumers from Banding Together When Ripped Off or Exploited by Corporations
Lawmakers are trying to rob Americans of their best tool to hold corporations accountable.
Call your representative—202.224.3121—and tell him or her to:
Protect consumers’, investors’, and workers’ rights to band together in class actions by voting “NO” on H.R. 985. The bill is an unwarranted attack on Americans’ access to court and virtually would wipe out consumer, investor, and worker claims caused by widespread misconduct.
It would:
a) unnecessarily delay and deny Americans’ ability to seek remedies for injuries caused by corporate wrongdoing;
b) undermine an already established process for federal court rulemaking and unduly interfere with judges’ decision making and ability to manage their cases, causing further obstruction and delay; and
c) add to already existing obstacles, such as forced arbitration clauses, in the path of consumers and workers seeking redress in court for widespread or systemic harm.
Find your representative or call the switchboard operator at 202.224.3121.
Urge him or her to vote NO on H.R. 985 and protect Americans’ right to band together to seek accountability when corporations break the law.
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