Using AI to Improve Your Presentations

Join NACA’s Education Director, Rebecca Smolar and NCLC Senior Attorney Andrea Bopp Stark for a demonstration and conversation about how generative AI apps like Chat GPT and Gemini can give you ideas that you can use to improve your presentation.

Helping Transgender Consumers under the FCRA

Credit and background reporting problems can be frustrating for any consumer to resolve. But transgender consumers face unique challenges when confronting these problems. They often encounter common issues with the way consumer reporting agencies deal with their gender transition. Further, the effects of those practices can be especially harmful to transgender consumers, as they impose…

Successors in Interest Cases 2024

What happens when a borrower dies or a home is transferred through divorce, transferring the home to an owner who is not the original borrower? A ripple effect of the Great Recession of 2009 is a large population of borrowers with refinanced and extended-term mortgage loans that will remain unsatisfied until late in their lives.…

Mortgage and Housing Listening Session

NCLC and NACA are hosting online listening sessions in December and January for consumer advocates to inform educational, public policy, membership and judicial priorities for the coming year. Your recommendations given at these listening sessions will be used to help develop sessions at our 2025 conferences (Spring Training, Summer Mortgage Conference, Consumer Rights Litigation Conference)…

Stop the Insanity! – Learn how TCPA Can Turn Spam into Cases

How would you like to collect $1,500 every time your phone rang with yet another fake solicitation to update non-existent warranties, or buy health care coverage? The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) provides victims $500-$1,500 per violating call. Learn how you can help your clients stop the insanity and get compensated for the harassment they…

How to Effectively Search the CFPB’s Consumer Complaint Database

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a federal government agency, collects consumer complaints about credit cards, mortgages, bank accounts, student loans, consumer loans, credit reporting, money transfers, debt collection, and other financial problems. Each week it sends about 50,000 complaints about these financial products and services to companies for response. After companies respond, either confirming…

What to Do with Solar Panels in Bankruptcy

More and more there are bankruptcies of solar panel installers. Also, there are increasing numbers of individuals who want to get rid of their solar panels through the bankruptcy process. This webinar will address both sides of the issue. This webinar will be helpful for practitioners who are navigating a consumer dealing with bankruptcy filed…

Legal Aid Listening Session

NCLC and NACA are hosting online listening sessions in December and January for consumer advocates to inform educational, public policy, membership and judicial priorities for the coming year. Your recommendations given at these listening sessions will be used to help develop sessions at our 2025 conferences (Spring Training, Summer Mortgage Conference, Consumer Rights Litigation Conference)…

Fighting against Fraudulent Practices in Reverse Mortgage Servicing

Some mortgage companies exploit seniors through deceptive reverse mortgage practices, including improper charges or payments related to tax payments, homeowners’ insurance and occupancy certifications. This webinar will explore potential breaches of contract and violations of state and federal consumer protection laws, offering valuable insights to address these injustices. By attending, you’ll gain knowledge of how…

You Won Your Case, Now What: Collecting Consumer Judgements

Sometimes consumer advocates win a case, but the defendant doesn’t pay. As a community, we need to do a better job of collecting our clients’ judgments. Not every judgment is collectible, but after this webinar, you will be able to identify which ones to pursue. This webinar is an introduction to the basic tools and…

Bankruptcy may be the Best Choice for Student Loan Relief Post Election

Have you been wondering how the new ED guidelines for discharging federal student loan debt in bankruptcy may help in your practice?  This webinar will explore potential relief for student loan debt in the next administration. Please note that there will be a 30-minute online conversation following the webinar for those who want to stay…

Litigating Auto Dealer Claims Post-Ramirez

Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
All Levels
Private Member: $40
Nonmember: $90

Protecting Older Consumers—Research and Resources from the Federal Trade Commission

Other Areas of Interest
Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue
Private Member: $FREE
Nonmember: $FREE

FCRA 101 eCourse

Credit Reporting
Client Management, Combating Common Defense Themes, Discovery, Evaluating Damages, Negotiations and Settlement, Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Private Member: $425
Nonmember: $675

Class Action 101 eCourse

Class Action, Class Actions
Client Management, Combating Common Defense Themes, Discovery, Evaluating Damages, Negotiations and Settlement, Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Private Member: $500
Nonmember: $850

Frame and Structural Damage Cases Package

Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $150
Nonmember: $325

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) 101

Mortgage/Real Estate/Housing
Discovery, Evaluating Damages, Law Office Operations, Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $120
Nonmember: $260

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