2024 Mortgage Conference (Virtual and On Demand)

Join us online for an exciting line-up of expert speakers on the most current topics in mortgage servicing and foreclosure prevention. Two beginner sessions provide grounding for advocates new to mortgage servicing work: a foreclosure defense overview and a walk-through of the federal mortgage servicing rules. We will delve into federal loss mitigation updates, including…

Navigating FCRA Issues for Student Loans

Student loans frequently appear on credit reports, often with significant errors. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) offers essential protections for borrowers with student loan debt, but navigating these protections involves unique challenges. Join our webinar to learn how to identify common FCRA claims related to student loan debt and effectively address the distinctive issues…

Building a Better Federal Bench

This webinar is for anyone who is interested in learning more about, or getting involved in, the judicial nominations process.

Advanced RESPA: What to do after Motions to Dismiss

The upcoming advanced webinar is designed to equip legal professionals with the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of litigation and trial after motions to dismiss.

Solar Fraud 101 eCourse

The goal of the eCourse is to help attorneys efficiently prepare successful solar fraud cases for litigation and arbitration, without breaking the bank.

Building a Better Federal Bench

Other Areas of Interest
All Levels
Member: $Free
Nonmember: $Free

How to Build Your Practice One Hour at a Time

Other Areas of Interest
Business Development, Client Management
Member: $FREE
Nonmember: $90

FCRA 101 eCourse

Credit Reporting
Client Management, Combating Common Defense Themes, Discovery, Evaluating Damages, Negotiations and Settlement, Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $425
Nonmember: $675

FCRA Discovery eCourse Part 1

Credit Reporting
Discovery, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
All Levels
Private Member: $425.00
Nonmember: $675.00

Frame and Structural Damage Cases Package

Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $150
Nonmember: $325

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) 101

Mortgage/Real Estate/Housing
Discovery, Evaluating Damages, Law Office Operations, Spotting and Investigating the Legal Issue, Strategy: Structuring and Plotting the Case
Member: $120
Nonmember: $260

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