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Spot common FCRA violations that are occurring to your current clients


James Brady is a Supervisory Attorney in the Consumer Practice Group at Legal Aid Chicago. Mr. Brady began his legal career as a staff attorney with Legal Aid Chicago in 1991. Mr. Brady’s practice focuses on bankruptcy, homeownership, and consumer fraud. He is a 1988 graduate of the University of Michigan and a 1991 graduate of the DePaul University College of Law.

Jared Lee is the managing partner at Jackson Lee. He’s served as the chair of Florida’s Consumer Protection Committee. Jared attended Florida State College of Law. He’s had the privilege to represent consumers in obtaining sizable recoveries through trial, arbitration, and settlement, including multiple seven-figure outcomes. Jared serves as an adjunct professor for the Florida State University College of Law Juris Master program.

Courtney Weiner is a solo practitioner representing consumers primarily in Washington, DC and Maryland in consumer finance matters, including FCRA, FDCPA, RESPA, TILA, and student loans. Prior to opening her firm, Courtney honed her litigation skills in a variety of settings, ranging from the U.S. Department of Justice to some of the top litigation firms in the country. Courtney is a member of the boards of Tzedek DC, the DC Bar, and the DC Bar Pro Bono Center. Courtney graduated from Columbia Law School and Princeton University and is a native of Washington, DC.